The League MVP: PocketFul Ent’s G-Lloyd @Crooklynborn


Lets talk about Pocketful Ent’s G-Lloyd… This young rapper has only been in the game for a good 2 years, but his grind is impeccable. Jumping on industry beat to industry beat, the Brooklyn native does everything it takes to remain relevant in his scene and his hard works is definitely paying off. You can find this young mogul in the making everywhere from MTV Jams to performances at The Pyramid Club. When you say “your grind must match your passion” G-Lloyd is no exception being fueled from personal situations, losing his younger brother and recently his close friend. Dropping release after release, G-Lloyd not only gives us his music but drops frequent vlogs as well to take us through his everyday grind. To say the least the fresh rapper sets a bar for other Brooklyn rappers and rappers throughout the city to keep up with. Usually in the latest fashions and being spotted at numerous events, the name G-Lloyd definitely rings bells!

2 thoughts on “The League MVP: PocketFul Ent’s G-Lloyd @Crooklynborn”

  1. Nigga is u joking? U created this site. It’s a wordpress. Fuck outta here dog. Trying to make it seem like someone else did an article on u. Lol!!!! Ur music sucks!!! Keep scamming tho. That’s the only way u will have cash

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